Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Regular Checkup

I went to my primary care physician for a routine check up and pain management re-evaluation.

He's pleased that I have lost nearly ten pounds since my last visit three months ago. However my blood pressure and blood sugar have both gone up. Last visit when I was fatter both numbers were down nicely. He says the tests also show a low red blood count. Possible the beginnings of anemia. I have been told this now and then for forty years. Nothing ever comes from it.

Other than these items everything else appears ok for now. The remains of the blood clot in the right leg hasn't improved and it still hurts. I'm told it should go away someday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New (post-Op) Glasses

I got a call yesterday afternoon, my glasses are ready. Picked them up today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Eye Exam for New Prescription

Today I saw the optician at my eye surgeon's office. I will need a slight correction for my new eye so there will be new lenses ready in a week or so. All is well with the recovery and the vision.